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Image by Dose Media
The first step is enrollment!  We try to make the process easy, to enroll follow these steps​:






Schedule Tour 

Schedule your tour, or call the center and speak to one of our helpful staff members.  For more information on what to expect during a tour, visit our tours page.


Review Handbook

Download, sign and return the parent handbook which explains policies and procedures, and outlines how we work to create a great parent/provider relationship.  


Secure Space

Confirm your desired dates for care.  Please note, space fills up quickly and we cannot guarantee space until a security deposit is received and confirmed with leadership.


Prepare Supplies

We have created a helpful list of resources that your child will need on their first day.  Please review and bring them with you on your child's first day (or earlier if you prefer).

Infant Crawler Food Permission Form

Tell us what your child can, or cannot eat, or what  preferences you have.

Mandated Reporting Form

What we do, and what you can to do if you suspect abuse or neglect.

Safe Sleep

Learn about best practices for safe infant sleep.  



Supportive Families in Childcare

Let's learn how to work together for the success of your child.

Sunscreen Permission Form

What are your preferences for sunscreen on outside days.

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